Monday, June 22, 2015

Favorite Movies

I'll admit it... I'm not to up-to-date on current movies. I finally saw Gone Girl, Mockinjay Part 1, and Dracula Untold during my vacation a few weeks back. And I just watched Warm Bodies. So, yeah, not too current. Except cartoon movies. THOSE I've seen. Bean likes movies, what can I say.
Here's a brief list of a few of my favorite movies.
Classics first:

The story behind Gone with the Wind is as epic as the movie itself. Plus it broke some serious ground. Did you know that the burning of Atlanta was the first scene filmed... before Vivian Leigh was cast as Scarlett?

Most Quotable Movie:

This is my all-time favorite comedy. When in doubt about something to say, I will almost always quote Ghostbusters. 

Most Re-Watchable:

I can rewatch Ghostbusters (and Ghostbusters 2) all the time, but whenever The Shawshank Redemption comes on, I stop and WATCH it. I don't get up. I don't move. I just watch the movie and hope Andy gets justice. Every. Single. Time.

Most Adventurous Movie:

Indiana Jones made me want to be an archaeologist. I still have hope whenever its on. 

Another classic:

Who doesn't love Holly Golightly? 

What about you? What movies do you love?

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